Exhibit Hall Entries
Our Exhibit Hall is where our community shines. Folks from all around our county and beyond bring their best items to compete against others. We have divisions for youths and adults.
Anyone can enter. You do not have to be a Sevier County resident to enter. It is FREE to enter your items. Each exhibitor can enter up to 75 items throughout our Exhibit Hall (one per class). If you enter 5 or more items in any of our many departments you receive one Fair Admission Ticket. In addition, if you enter 10 or more canned items in our Food Preservation Department you receive another Fair Admission Ticket.
We offer 26 Departments from crops, baked goods, arts & crafts, photography, floral, domestics, and more. There are over 250 categories for youth to enter and almost 800 categories for adults to enter. In addition to the chance to win 1st - 3rd place ribbons and a little bit of cash at our fair, there are over 50 categories that the 1st place winner's item may be eligible to go to the Tennessee State Fair the following year to compete with exhibits from all over our state.
More information coming soon. Check back the first part of June for more details.